Voice and Speech Disorder

Voice disorders are medical conditions affecting the production of voice / speech Speech disorders are type of communication disorders where normal speech is disrupted, many disorders where normal speech is disrupted, many disorders can affect our ability to speak and communicate .causes may include hearing disorders deafness, voice problem such as a Dysphhonia or these caused by cleft lip or palate, speech problems like stuttering, developmental disabilities, Learning disorder, autism , brain injury, and stroke

Symptoms - May include hoarseness, difficulty projecting your voice, vocal fatigue, reduced range of voice pitch brakes .

Causes - Voice disorders are often caused by vocal abuse or misuse, such as excessive use of voice while singing, talking, smoking, coughing, yelling or inhaling irritants. Other disorders induce laryngitis, vocal nodules, polyps, and vocal fold paralysis.

Diagnosis - Speech-Language Pathologist assess the larynx using (laryngeal flexible / rigid) test radiological investigation, voice analysis, speech-language assessment.


Treatment - Of voice disorders and speech depends on the severity and causes. It may include – surgical (micro laryngeal surgery), medicines, speech therapy and life style changes.
