


Hippocratic Oath Ceremony

Date: 5 March 2024


Topic: Hippocratic Oath Ceremony

The Hippocratic oath is a universal code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who we all know as the Father of Medicine. Throughout the ages it has served as a guide for medical professionals to conduct their careers by. It is a symbol of a collective moral and ethical promise from us doctors who are united in a singular purpose to bring healing to our patients.

Hon’ble Chancellor Dr Sandeep Bakshi was invited to the ceremony to presided over it and also lead the students into the Oath. The oath ceremony was also attended by Pro Chancellor Prof HN Verma, Vice Chancellor, Prof RL Raina, Executive director Dr Preeti Bakshi, Principal and Medical Superintendent and all the HODs of various departments of the Medical college.

The ceremony started with Lamp lighting, floral welcome of the Dignitaries and then address by Hon’ble Chancellor Sir. The students were given an electric candle which they took in their left hand, kept the right hand on their hearts and read out the oath after Sir. After the Oath ceremony, principal sir delivered a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries. The ceremony was followed by High tea for all.
