General Anaesthesia 

General anaesthesia is the state produced when a patient receives medication to produce amnesia and analgesia with or without reversible muscle paralysis.

An anaesthetized patient can be thought of as being in a controlled, reversible state of unconsciousness. Anaesthesia enables a patient to tolerate surgical procedures that would otherwise inflict unbearable pain, potentiate extreme physiology exacerbations and result in unpleasant memories.


Before having any surgery, patient is sent to anaesthetist for preoperative assessment. Type of anaesthesia to be given during surgery and risks associated with it are discussed with patient. Complete medical and surgical history is taken followed by systemic examinations. Written informed consent from patient and his relative is taken. General anaesthesia relaxes the muscles in digestive tract and airway that keep food and acid from passing from your stomach into your lungs hence fasting 6 hours before surgery clear fluids are allowed till 2 hours before surgery. 

On the day of surgery, patient is taken into operating room. Baseline vital parameters are taken and I.V. line is secured.

Different steps while giving general anaesthesia mainly include:

  • Premedication: Anxiolytic drug is given to patient to alloy his anxiety. Antimel anticlolinergic and analgesic drugs are given to patient to prepare him for general anaesthesia. 
  • Induction: it is the period of time which begins with the beginning of administration of induction agents to the development of surgical anaesthesia. Induction can be done with intravenous drugs or inhalational agents. 
  • Intubation: After administration of short aching muscle relaxant, patient is inhabited to maintain ventilation. We use simple lanyngoscope or video laryngoscope for this. In cases of difficult airway, fibre optic intubation is planned. 
  • Maintenance: This is to sustain the state of anaesthesia. It is usually done with an admixture of inhalational and intravenous agents. 
  • Recovery: At the end of surgical procedure administration of all anaesthesia agents is stopped and consciousness regained.

Most healthy people respond to general anaesthesia without any issue. Those who do suffer side effects or complications typically have mild transient symptoms that are easily managed. Possible complications of general anaesthesia mainly include sore throat, nausea and vomiting, aspiration prevmositis, nerve injury are due to body positioning, anaphylaxic or allergic reaction. With proper preoperative assessment of the patient and with the help of a good planning, all this can be avoided. Our team usually avoids these complications even in high risk patients. 

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