Radiology, Imaging & Interventional Radiology

About the Speciality

The Department of Radiodiagnosis in JNUIMSRC offers the best medical and health care services through experienced faculty and trained technicians.

The department is well-equipped with the latest technologies for medical use such as MRI Centre in Jaipur, multi-slice CT Scan in Jaipur, seven Ultrasonography machines, fourteen X-ray machines, IITV, CR systems, OPG, mammography, DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography).

Speciality Clinics

In the speciality clinics of the Department of Radio diagnosis, the patients can access interventional, vascular and non-vascular image-guided procedures.

JNU Hospital

Diagnostic and Clinical Services

The list of diagnostic and clinical services provided by the department are given below.
  • Interventions radiology (FNAC/ biopsy/ Aspiration / catheter placements) (USG & CT guided)
  • Special investigations (IVU, barium studies/ RGU+MCU / contrast studies etc.)
  • RFA (radio frequency ablation)
  • DSA (digital subtraction angiography)
  • Chemoembolization
JNU Hospital


Usha Jaipal
Usha Jaipal

HOD Message

Our department is dedicated to provide effective and premium radiological investigation & diagnosis at reasonable rates to patients with disease and achieve the best outcome as far as disorders of all parts / organs of the patients are concerned.

Our department also educates and trains highly qualified medical students, post graduates residents in the field of radio diagnosis & imaging and acquire diagnostic radiological knowledge through innovative basic & clinical research.

Dr. Usha Jaipal

Radiology, Imaging & Interventional Radiology

Consult with experienced Doctors

JNU is home to some of the most eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective arenas and are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary procedures