Surgery may necessary to repair hear useful and cleft up.
For management of fetal problems in womb a holistic approach combinity with comprehensive counseling is needed depending upon the clinical indications. A world class treating level fetal ultrasound, fetal MRI and extra uterine fetal therapy such as radio frequency ablation, fetal trans fusion & fetoxopic laser is used. We have a team having clinical excellence together with a calm, genuine of carry bedside manner.
Chorion biopsy/ chorionic villas sampling
Fetal blood sampling
Fetal transfusion
Veridical amniotic shunt
Radiofrequency ablation
Chorionic villas sampling (usually undertaken in first trimaster) is done either transcervical using TVS or transfelominal using 3d ultrasound is undertaken chorionic villi sampening is used for chromosomal analysis (history 13, 18, 21, X or Y or karyotyping) using fluorescent in istu hybridization, with up to 90 % sensitivity or indirect DNA studies using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or patient is prepared after comprehensive counseling 94 is undertaken in using all aseptic & antiseptic precautions. Only a brief stay & Antibiotic currage is needed post afterabody.